Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival: What Are the Implications? In January of 1916 Trotsky was expelled from France and came to the United States. It was due to this funding that the Japanese were able to launch a stunning attack against the Russians at Port Arthur and the following year to virtually decimate the Russian fleet. (See Arsene de Goulevitch: Czarism and Revolution, published by Omni Publications in Hawthorne, California, no date; rpt. In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. He was entertained at the embassies, at the houses of Kerenskys ministers. However, there were also strong financial incentives for Wall Street firms, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which Schiff was a senior partner, to see the old regime fall into the hands of revolutionaries, who would agree to grant lucrative business concessions in the future in return for financial support today. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilsons presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord [Alfred] Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The Bolsheviks - Russian Revolution Russian-speaking revolutionaries were trained in New York and sent to distribute the pamphlets among the prisoners and to indoctrinate them into rebellion against their own government. that the present heads of the Bolshevist government - Lenin and Trotsky and their associates - are German agents. Since we may safely assume, that he knew his topic well, his cartoon is of great historical importance. The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy financiers in London and New York. For the duration of the war the Red Cross had been made nominally a part of the armed forces and subject to orders from the proper military authorities. Also see Martin, pp. One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir William Wiseman, who, as fate would have it, occupied the apartment directly above the apartment of Edward Mandell House and who had become fast friends with him. Is it true that Lenin and the Bolsheviks were financed by the - Quora . He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotskys trip from New York to Russia. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. - RogueNews, Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival: What Are the Implications? The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one . 62K views 2 years ago How Wall Street, the United States, and the European great powers helped the Bolsheviks take and consolidate power in Russia. What does Bolshevik mean in Russian? Jacob Schiff was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Your email address will not be published. It sounds an awful lot like he's talking to you, my friend. (See Arsene de Goulevitch: Czarism and Revolution, published by Omni Publications in Hawthorne, California, no date; rpt. Professor Sutton tells us: The 1910 [Red Cross] fund-raising campaign for$2 million, for example, was successful only, because it was supported by these wealthy residents of New York City. Anything, that would weaken Russia and that certainly included internal revolution would be, in effect, to strengthen Germany and weaken England. At the time of the revolution Mr Aschberg gave . In January of 1916 Trotsky was expelled from France and came to the United States. See Senate Document No. So did Brussels & France." Starting from 1920 to 1970, huge economic assets were created in more than forty or so countries under the tight control and supervision of their own watchful governments. Thompson was a classical specimen of the Round Table network. (See de Goulevitch, p. 230) It was a repeat of the ploy, that had worked so well for the cabal many times in the past. Those hidden liaisons have continued to this day and occasionally pop to the surface, when we discover a David Rockefeller holding confidential meetings with a Mikhail Gorbachev in the absence of government sponsorship or diplomatic purpose. Society and the diplomats, noting that here was a man of parts and power, began to flock about him. For the duration of the war the Red Cross had been made nominally a part of the armed forces and subject to orders from the proper military authorities. Gathered around and greeting him with enthusiastic handshakes are characters in silk hats identified as John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, Morgan partner George W. Perkins and Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party. It portrays Karl Marx with a book entitledSocialismunder his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution According to Trotsky himself, on many occasions a chauffeured limousine was placed at his service by a wealthy friend, identified as Dr. M. The doctors wife took my wife and the boys out driving and was very kind to them. Was Bolshevik Revolution Largely a Jewish Movement? A Debate | VT In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. Buy Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists New Edition by Sutton, Antony Cyril (ISBN: 9781905570355) from Amazon's Book Store. Those hidden liaisons have continued to this day and occasionally pop to the surface, when we discover a David Rockefeller holding confidential meetings with a Mikhail Gorbachev in the absence of government sponsorship or diplomatic purpose. Blockbuster: Jacob Schiff, the Jewish Father of Hitler and the Thompson, Red Cross Donor, Believes Party Misrepresented in the Washington Post of Feb. 2, 1918)A photograph of the cablegram from Morgan to Thompson advising, that the money had been transferred to the National City Bank branch in Petrograd, is included in this book. Thompson was a classical specimen of the Round Table network. When the war was ended, these officers and enlisted men returned home to become virtual seeds of treason against the Tsar. An excellent talk by Professor Antony Sutton, who taught economics at California State University, and was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover . Arsene de Goulevitch, who witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution firsthand, has identified both the name of the financier and the amount of the loan. The products offered or linked to on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. William Boyce Thompson the American Tsar. Immediately behind Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party. (Sutton: Revolution, p. 72). Cabalist Bankers Funded Hitler Via Wehrmacht - henrymakow.com He launched the Cuban Cane Sugar Company; Excerpts from GreatGameIndias exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance. How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power. Round Table members were once again working both sides of the conflict to weaken and topple a target government. (See article W.B. Deelighted This cartoon by Robert Minor appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1911. Bankers and Bolsheviks | Princeton University Press Excerpts from GreatGameIndias exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance. With international geopolitics, frequently nothing is as it appears to be. Bolshevik, (Russian: "One of the Majority") , plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. Organic Greens, Vitamin D, PreBiotics, ProBiotics, Digestive Enzymes all in one! And it is not surprising, that according to George Kennan, He was viewed by the Kerensky authorities as the real ambassador of the United States. (George F. Kennan:Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920published by Princeton University Press in Princeton, NJ, 1956, p. 60). President Woodrow Wilson the Fairy Godmother, It would be a mistake to conclude, that Jacob Schiff and Germany were the only players in this drama. had financed the Bolshevik Revolution. What was the Jewish role in 1917 Russian Revolution? This Moscow museum There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. The entire expense of the Red Cross Mission in Russia, including the purchase of uniforms, was paid for by the man, who was appointed by President Wilson to become its head, Colonel William Boyce Thompson. Installment number three will examine Wall Street ties to Hitler. What emerges from this sampling of events is a clear pattern of strong support for Bolshevism coming from the highest financial and political power centers in the United States; from men, who supposedly were capitalists and who according to conventional wisdom should have been the mortal enemies of socialism and communism. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True - Amazon But the tactic of funding both sides in a political contest by then had been refined by members of the Round Table into a fine art. He carried on from the work which was already started by a few students of Marx, he found the Bolsheviks in a struggling position where they wanted to establish themselves as a recognisable party in Russia. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! Yet the British Ambassador himself represented the hidden group, which was financing the regimes downfall. Wiseman advised his government and the British Admiralty issued orders on April 21st, that Trotsky was to be sent on his way. This gave them the money to mount their publicity campaigns 5. Having begun his career as a speculator in copper mines, he soon moved into the world of high finance. It was one thing for Americans to undermine Tsarist Russia and thus indirectly help Germany in the war, because Americans were not then into it, but for British citizens to do so was tantamount to treason. 192-93), When Thompson attended the opera, he was given the imperial box. Sutton evidently belongs to the "international banker" school of historical change. Professor Antony Sutton says: President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother, who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to carry forward the revolutionAt the same time careful State Department bureaucrats, concerned about such revolutionaries entering Russia, were unilaterally attempting to tighten up passport procedures. Immediately telegrams began to come into Halifax from such divergent sources, as an obscure attorney in New York City, from the Canadian Deputy Postmaster-General and even from a high-ranking British military officer, all inquiring into Trotskys situation and urging his immediate release. Also see Martin, pp. No, it cannot be said IN ANY CASE that it was the Jews who organized the revolutions of 1905 or 1917". If I remember right, Kerensky was the leader of the first government after the revolution, but he was overthrown by the bolsheviks. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. In January of 1916 Trotsky was expelled from France and came to the United States. Erased history: how Rockefeller bankrolled Soviet Russia There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. See more information on great products, including the C60 BlackSeed Oil Gel Caps, Telomere Lengthening, Zeolite Detox, and much more @http://SarahWestall.com/Shop, Listen to show streaming live now! Trotsky's day out: How a visit to NYC influenced the Bolshevik House advised Wiseman, that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released. House advised Wiseman, that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released. When Thompson arrived in Russia, he made it clear, that he was not your typical Red Cross representative. He was entertained at the embassies, at the houses of Kerenskys ministers. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. Thanks for reading The Most Revolutionary Act! The same London, New York City & Frankfurt Banksters who financed the Moreover, the Germans gave him financing through 1918 with the hope that Lenin would start a revolution that would cause Russia to withdraw its war with Germany during World War I. Sources outside of Russia, which were hostile to the Tsarist regime, paid for the printing of Marxist propaganda and had it delivered to the prison camps. from 1962 French edition, pp. . Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - YouTube Having said that, Britain and Germany both harboured & financed them. Trotsky therefore represented a real threat to Englands war effort. In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. PDF WALL STREET - Internet Archive In 1911 the St. Louis Dispatch published a cartoon by a Bolshevik named Robert Minor. The Round Table Agents from America did not have the advantage of using the diplomatic service as cover and therefore had to be considerably more ingenious. Using terror and death threats, Stalin's job was to industrialize Russia, and turn communism into a powerful counter force to democracy. They financed the Bolsheviks, gave people like Lenin, Stalin & Trotsky refuge. The entire expense of the Red Cross Mission in Russia, including the purchase of uniforms, was paid for by the man, who was appointed by President Wilson to become its head, Colonel William Boyce Thompson. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. At first it may seem incongruous, thatthe Morgan group would provide funding for both Kerensky and Lenin. Strategic Culture MCViewPoint, Pingback: Pressure to Dissolve the UN Security Council: Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilsons presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act. But she was a mere mortal, whereas the chauffeur was a magician, a titan, a superman! |, Pingback: Pressure To Dissolve The UN Security Council: Putin Warns Of League Of Nations Revival. You should not rely upon any material or information on this website as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions. On report said, for example, that British agents were seen handing out25-rouble notesto the men at the Pavlovski regiment just a few hours, before it mutinied against its officers and sided with the revolution. Though there were complaints about some level of mismanagement of the funds, overall trillions of dollars worth of economic assets were created in these countries, these assets being off-limits to every Colonial Power. (Hermann Hagedorn:The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time, published by Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1935, pp. Trotsky therefore represented a real threat to Englands war effort. Hitler was being prepared for a new war . What does Bolshevik mean in Russian? (Hermann Hagedorn: The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time, published by Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1935, pp. He was recognized as a threat to the best interests of England, Canadas mother country in the British Commonwealth. (Mayor Calls Pacifists Traitors, The New York Times, March 24, 1917, p. 2). What every healthy body needs! To appraise Schiffs motives for supporting the Bolsheviks, we must remember, that he was a Jew and that Russian Jews had been persecuted under the Tsarist regime. Bonds Commercial Real Estate Commodities & Futures Stocks Personal Finance WSJ Money Streetwise Intelligent Investor Heard on the Street Greg Ip Jason Zweig Laura Saunders James Mackintosh Market. To appraise Schiffs motives for supporting the Bolsheviks, we must remember, that he was a Jew and that Russian Jews had been persecuted under the Tsarist regime. In New York on the night before his departure Trotsky had given a speech, in which he said: I am going back to Russia to overthrow the provisional government and stop the war with Germany.(A full report on this meeting had been submitted to the U.S. Military Intelligence. Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton To understand, what higher loyalty compelled these men to betray their battlefield ally and to sacrifice the blood of their own countrymen, we must take a look at the unique organization, to which they belonged. How the Bolsheviks tried to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church
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