A companion CD-ROM/web site has been released containing magnetic data that were generated by digitizing analog maps. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. For the mountain pass in Montana, see Rogers Pass (Montana). CD-ROM or online files Complements this publication with analog data. of line miles: 760 Survey height: 7000 ft Altitude method: Constant barometric elevation Flight-line spacing: see notes in Data_Quality_Report/ Logical_Consistency_Report Flight-line direction: NE-SW Aircraft used: unknown Airport - arrival: unknown Airport - departure: unknown Magnetometer used: unknown Sensor tow distance: unknown Each record contains the following 11 attributes: No abbrev.name contents 1 line_no flight line number 2 directn flight line direction, azimuth degrees from north (integer) 3 longitud longitude (decimal degrees) 4 latitude latitude (decimal degrees) 5 year year flown (integer) 6 jul_day Julian day flown (integer) 7 fiducial fiducial number (integer) 8 radar radar altimeter reading above ground (feet) 9 barom altitude above mean sea level (feet) 10 totmag corrected magnetic value (nT) 11 resmag residual magnetic value (nT) Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: Nettleton, L.L., 1971, Elementary Gravity and Magnetics for Geologists and Seismologists: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Monograph Series No. This dataset presents latitude, longitude, altitude, and magnetic-field values. UM Department of Geography | Maggie OBrien, Rogers Pass was named after A.B. Refer Connaught Tunnel and west portal vicinity for later incidents in the general area. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Description: This section begins at Rogers Pass and the majority of it is within the Lewis and Clark-Helena National Forest. On the lower crossing, stone piers supported the deck plate girders installed in 1898 and 1906. Neither the United States Government nor any agency, thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, expressed or, implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the. [1] The pass is adjacent to Helena National Forest and is traversed by Montana Highway 200, providing the shortest route between the cities of Great Falls and Missoula, Montana. Editors Note: Although Montana didnt appproach thisrecord, morning tempertaures on Wednesday, the furst full day of winter winter solstice arrived at 6:38 p.m. on Dec. 21, were cold. Reduced-size image depicting the data, 520 x 456 pixels, 36,121 bytes. Most loaded freight trains required a single pusher, because they were longer than 9 cars. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes. FRESH. (Submitted on May 8, 2014, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.) MontanaRightNow.com Bozeman: 406-586-3594 Butte: 406-782-7185 Great Falls: 406-453-4377 Helena: 406-457-1860 Missoula/SWX Montana: 406-542-8900 SWX Spokane: 509-448-6000 Feels Like: 20 F Forecast: 41 / 24 F Wind: 21 mph from West Upcoming 5 hours See more hour-by-hour weather Forecast for the next 48 hours The region is noted for its inaccessibility and as one of the last strongholds for the grizzly bear in the lower 48 states. [7] Only Alaska, Antarctica, Canada, Greenland, China and Russia have recorded lower temperatures. The reformatted data file was written in the format described in the section on Entity_and_Attribute_Overview. Endpoints: Rogers Pass - McDonald Pass (Lincoln to Helena) Area: Continental Divide Trail . As the route summited Rogers Pass, crude snowsheds protected the most exposed areas. It can get warmer, relatively speaking, but only to the tune of -22 degrees Fahrenheit (-30 degrees Celsius). MT. Although it is not the coldest location on Earth, Vosto's record low temperature is -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius). Most days are frosty, even in July, and roughly 60 nights per year, the temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Sign In. [dubious discuss] Since the establishment of the modern weather station in 1964, however, the temperature has not fallen below 46F (43C). Reference therein to. [140], 1907: While clearing track just west of Glacier, a snowplow plunged 20 feet (6m) down a bank, dislodging a stove and inflicting severe injuries to the right thigh of a worker. Computer and Internet Use. Fort Selkirk - Yukon, Canada PC: Wikimedia Commons You can expect subzero temperatures year-round at this Russian research station, which is tucked away in Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica. [96] Transitioning to respectability, formal dances were held. Home > North America > United States > Montana Elevation: 4657 feet Latitude: 47 10N Longitude: 112 19W. After slide damages were repaired, the line opened to through traffic the following June.[25]. Moberly advocated Howse Pass. [97] The hamlet of about 50, included two general stores, two hotels, a butcher, a barber, and CP boarding house. The pass is located in the Blackfoot Valley near Lincoln, Mt (also known as the basecamp of the Crown of the Continent). Peter Sinks holds the second-place recordless than half a degree shy of the all-time record at Rogers Pass, Montanafor coldest recorded temperature in the contiguous United States at -69.3F set on February 1, 1985. . [141] Later that year, while infilling a trestle a few hundred feet east of depot, the brakes failed as the final cars were being emptied. Daily Winter Permits must be obtained on the day you plan to ski or snowboard, and are only valid for that day. One passenger sustained a broken leg, and another an injured shoulder. The locomotive and three cars toppled over, killing a crew member and injuring three others. [161] After a passenger bailed out to direct traffic, the pilot of a Cessna 185 landed on the highway. In a coma for days,[137] the outcome appeared to be total deafness from burst eardrums. The same replacement process occurred on the upper trestle in 1906. Precipitation peaks during late spring and early summer. Rogers Pass is a mountain pass that rises 5,610 feet (1,710 m) above sea level and is located on the Continental Divide in the U.S. state of Montana.The pass is adjacent to Helena National Forest and is traversed by Montana Highway 200, providing the shortest route between the cities of Great Falls and Missoula, Montana.The region is noted for its inaccessibility and as one of the last . [92] On at least four occasions, avalanches struck passenger trains in the pass, seemingly causing no passenger injuries. After awarding the contract, the government allowed CP to amend the designated crossing to the Kicking Horse Pass. Waymarkly is the premiere Waymarking app for iOS. This is the lowest temperature ever recorded in lower 48 states. [147], 1911: A body found near Six-Mile Creek suggested a hopper, who boarded a freight train at the pass, had jumped to his death. CSV JSON. During the 1870s, when the transcontinental was being planned, the preferred route through the Canadian Rockies was the northerly Yellowhead Pass. [142] Two months later, by snow shed 17, a brakeman fell from an eastbound train, costing him his left arm. [53] William Cator, CP agent, was postmaster 18931899. Not only did untreated wooden trestles provide all bridging, but cuttings were of minimum width, track was not ballasted,[24] and no snow sheds were built. There is also a MAP Page, which allows one to see a thumbnail image and the weather data from any of the RWIS sites by clicking on its icon on the map. During these months, over 800 golden eagles and 129 bald eagles have been observed heading east. Radar altimeters are estimated to have an error of 2-5% of the altitude (Richard Hansen, PRJ, Inc., written communication). Earlier this year temperatures dipped to a record-breaking -79.6 degrees Fahrenheit, breaking the village's thermometer. Rogers Pass, gap between the Hermit and Sir Donald ranges of the Selkirk Mountains, in Glacier National Park, southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Housing key staff and extensive equipment, the pass functioned as if it were a divisional point. [6] Summers tend to be warm to hot, with cooler nighttime temperatures, while winters are very snowy and cold, sometimes severely cold. He then went outside to the official shelter and found the minimum thermometer indicating a temperature colder than minus-65, which is as low as the scale on it indicates. A 1910 fire destroyed this hotel/boarding house. 17 Freezing Cold: Yakutsk, Russia Sun & Moon. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Geophysical Data Center would be appreciated in products derived from these data. [74], In 1905, CP installed a water-powered bucket system to fill the coal hopper. [158], 2007: After crossing the centre line and crashing through a concrete guardrail, a 24-passenger bus, carrying 11 people and a driver, came to rest on the passenger side. 5,635 ft. Altitude end. Finally, late in the day, the snow and wind stopped, skies cleared rapidly, and as the sun set the temperature plummeted. The snow sheds, installed . Oymyakon, the remote Siberian village is considered the coldest place inhabited on Earth, with a reported population of 500. [81], In 1915, seven employees received 25-month sentences for creating ghost employees.[82]. 6823 ft on I-15 just south of Monida, population <5 Bannock Pass el. Stopping is prohibited in high-risk locations. A rotary snowplow was shared with Eagle Pass until a dedicated one arrived in February 1890. [75] The next year, the four-locomotive engine house was enlarged to accommodate six locomotives. Unpublished products generated by the contractor included magnetic tapes, a map of residual or total field magnetics, and perhaps some written documentation. 5,635 ft. Altitude start. Parking Pets Allowed Restrooms Wifi Wheelchair Accessible Credit Cards Accepted See More Details (1) Nearby Hotels Cascade, Montana The Ranch at the Dearborn At McDermot camp, 2 miles (3km) away, three buried men were never found. Time Zone. 12T E 395825 N 5215802. Although all data published on this CD-ROM have been used by the USGS, only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. One notable non-weather fact about Stanley: The city elected 22-year-old Hannah Stauts as the youngest female mayor in the US in 2005. However, rotaries cannot handle avalanches containing rocks or timber. Times Internet Limited. The village has the distinction of holding the record for the coldest day in Canadian history temperatures dropped to -81.4 degrees Fahrenheit in 1947. 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement Eandrews10522 Eandrews10522 Answer: 134+70= 204. The pass is located in the Blackfoot Valley near Lincoln, Mt (also known as the basecamp of the Crown of the Continent). Weather in Rogers Pass, Montana, USA Time/General Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Now 32 F Clear. This section follows the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) the entire distance. Records sealed. [93], During summer months, trains ran on separate tracks outside the sheds. Picnic among giant old-growth cedars. Quick facts for kids. The NRCS Montana Snow Survey Program provides mountain snowpack and precipitation data via manual snowpack measurements (Snow Courses) and the SNOwpack TELemetry (SNOTEL) network to forecast snowmelt-driven runoff during spring and summer. A proposal to upgrade to Trans-Canada Highway standards a decade later, determined that the Selkirks route would be cheaper,[119] and not conflict with the Columbia River hydro-electric potential. The region is a noted location for observation of golden eagles and, to a lesser extent, bald eagles. Only the crest and eastern slope of the Connaught Tunnel route is underground. [129], 1887: A carpenter, who fell from a bridge in the vicinity, rolling 40 feet (12m) into a stream, suffered a likely fatal skull fracture. You have permission to edit this article. One of five snow sheds near Rogers Pass in Glacier National Park, Canada is shown. All rights reserved.For reprint rights. [87] Single avalanches killed 6 employees in 1887,[88] 7 or 8 in 1899,[89][90] and about 60 in the 1910 catastrophe. The nearest town to this camera is Lincoln, nearly 20 miles to the west. Shortly after Rogers had located the pass in Montana that bears his name, his career ended when he was badly injured falling from his horse. PRINT THIS DATA. Discover trails like Lewis and Clark Pass Rogers Pass Montana, find information like trail length, elevation, difficulty, activities, and nearby businesses. By Posted split sql output into multiple files In tribute to a mother in twi "Rogers Pass, USGS Rogers Pass (MT) Topo Map", "Rocky Mountain Front Eagle Migration Area", "Top Ten Montana Weather Events of the 20th Century", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rogers_Pass_(Montana)&oldid=1134890444, This page was last edited on 21 January 2023, at 08:18. If you think this is cold, you should've been at Rogers Pass in 1954 RICK GRAETZ University of Montana Dec 22, 2022 0 1 of 2 A sign at Rogers Pass commemorates the 70-below-zero. To see my blog, go to bigskywalker.com. [165], Rogers Pass has a subarctic climate (Kppen Dfc) with an average high in January of about 7C (19F) and in July of about 20C (68F). The pass sits at 5,470 feet (1,667 metres) elevation in the Rocky Mountains, northwest of Helena. [105] Residents built a new boarding house for the manager, after she was terminated for not housing scabs during a strike.[106]. 1, p. 83-87. Rogers Pass is a physical feature (gap) in Lewis and Clark County. Added keywords section with USGS persistent identifier as theme keyword. Dightman noticed that this would be a record, breaking the old national mark of minus-66 degrees near West Yellowstone on Feb. 9, 1933. The Northlander Motor Hotel, opened in 1964,[126] was renamed Glacier Park Lodge. Captain Steele and his small North-West Mounted Police force protected construction manager Ross from confrontations with workers. Use this weather feature to find out. [150], 1914: Run over by a train, a man survived with serious injuries. Use Constraints: none. Rogers, in 1887, who was a surveyor for the Great Northern Railway. Rogers and some of their Shuswap guides then climbed to the crest of a nearby mountain ridge, later identified as the ridge between Mount Macdonald and Avalanche Mountain. This is also a migration route used by other raptors such as northern goshawks, red-tailed hawks, and rough-legged hawks. The facts that the two thermometers behaved in the laboratory exactly as described by the observer, that temperatures of minus-57 and minus-59 were recorded in the same general area and that the observer was not aware that he was recording a record temperature were sufficient evidence to adopt the minus-70 record. Flathead Lake Sunset over Flathead Lake. Entity and Attribute Overview: Airborne survey specifications These items are constant for the entire survey Project number: 3108 Project name: Rogers Pass, Montana Survey flown by: Aerial Surveys, Incorporated Survey flown for: U.S. Geological Survey Approx. Ski-tour along deep powder trails. A 30-below-zero day on the Rocky Mountain Front forces a herd of cattle into a huddle while a new storm blows in. 7681 ft on MT-324 The Gilmore and Pittsburgh RR had service on the pass from 1912 - 1930 . Individuals, organizations, and state and federal agencies use the information provided for decisions relating to agricultural production, fish and wildlife . However, the OFR map states that the flight spacing is 1.0 miles. THE DATA WERE RECORDED AT UNKNOWN INTERVALS. Rogers Pass is a mountain pass that rises 5,610 feet (1,710m) above sea level and is located on the Continental Divide in the U.S. state of Montana. . . [25] Ballasting only occurred three years later. [159], 1964: A Jodel D.11 crashed. Route details. The minimum index from which the temperature is read had retreated into the bulb and was tilted, since the index end had fallen into the bulb. Other errors in the data were not corrected. [79] Oil storage facilities were built for the 1912 conversion to oil-fired locomotives in the mountains, eliminating firemen and fire patrols. Some variations in magnetic measurements are caused by rocks that contain significant amounts of magnetic minerals (magnetite being the most common). Rogers Pass is the lowest route between the Sir Donald and Hermit ranges of the Selkirks, providing a shortcut along the southern perimeter of the Big Bend of the Columbia River from Revelstoke on the west to Donald, near Golden, on the east. This is also a migration route used by other raptors such as northern goshawks, red-tailed hawks, and rough-legged hawks. The primary coordinates for Rogers Pass places it within the MT 59639 ZIP Code delivery area. Rogers Pass is a high mountain pass through the Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia, but the term also includes the approaches used by the Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) and the Trans-Canada Highway. These combined measures ensured that blockages from 1889/90 onward were nearly always cleared within hours. Rogers Pass; Snow shed construction, Rogers Pass, 1887. In the heart of Glacier National Park, this tourism destination since 1886 is a National Historic Site.[1]. The CPR named the pass after Rogers. [134], 1891: A car inspector slipped while boarding and fell beneath the moving passenger train, which cut off his left leg below the knee. A 2016 census estimated that Stanley, Idaho had a population of 69. This mountain pass, which is adjacent to Helena National Forest, stands 5,610 feet above sea level. In 1881 and 1882, A.B. But as one resident told the Siberian Times, "For us this is normal. Barometric altimeters are quite accurate, but are typically operated in an uncorrected mode. [64] Some days no freight trains passed, but on the arrival of a steamer in Vancouver, there could be a quick succession eastward for several days. Two passengers incurred non-life threatening injuries. It feels more like a large Colorado mountain town than a state capital. [103], When the station relocated, the community buildings followed suit. [41] He was postmaster 19011903. North end of the lower trestle per photo. This dataset presents latitude, longitude, altitude, and magnetic-field values. I answer, you come and see for yourself that we live an ordinary life.". [65][69] On rare occasions, trains were as long as 12 cars. [1] The pass is adjacent to Helena National Forest and is traversed by Montana Highway 200, providing the shortest route between the cities of Great Falls and Missoula, Montana . The outlet of a culvert under Montana Highway 200 just east of Rogers Pass was seriously eroded by flood waters, leading to the closure of the highway. Unsurprisingly, it gets pretty cold there. The Trail crosses Flesher Pass, Stemple Pass, and Priest Pass, all of which have auto access. [71] Scheduled stops for breakfast, lunch, and dinner existed at Field, Glacier House, and North Bend. Let us know. Rogers Pass in Montana was named by the Great Northern Railway for one of the line's locating surveyors,[3] A.B. Instances of -60F in the Contiguous U.S.-70 (actually -69.7) Rogers Pass, Montana, Jan. 20, 1954-66 Riverside Ranger Station (West Yellowstone, Montana) Feb. 9, 1933 The teal-roofed lodge, restaurant and gas station were the only services for 150 kilometres (93mi). [125], Camping, cabins, and an information centre make up the Glacier park facilities. [166], This article is about the mountain pass in British Columbia. Aeromagnetic surveys are used for geophysical prospecting. [66] Local traffic was negligible. [61] By 1913, to maintain this speed, the 9-car trains required a pusher. A sign at Rogers Pass commemorates the 70-below-zero temperature recorded there on Jan. 20, 1954, a mark that still stands as the record low temperature in the lower 48 states. [94][95], In 1886, the features of a transient construction community remained. Rogers, who explored it in 1881 while searching for a practicable route for the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. [9] Rogers refused to cash the $5,000 cheque, and instead framed it upon his wall until CP General Manager William Cornelius Van Horne offered him a gold watch as an incentive to cash it. At the summit, three occupants escaped through a camp store window. Section 5 GPS data. During these months, over 800 golden eagles and 129 bald eagles have been observed heading east. Albert Canyon was a scenic stop. Latitude, longitude, altitude, and magnetic values were checked for obvious errors or spikes and values of -9999.9 were given where the value could not be reasonably corrected. Rogers Pass is a mountain pass that rises 5,610 feet (1,710m) above sea level and is located on the Continental Divide in the U.S. state of Montana. Population: 8,622. Please subscribe to keep reading. The temperature can drop as low as -112 degrees Fahrenheit (-80 degrees Celsius). [7] Only Alaska, Antarctica, Canada, Greenland, China and Russia have recorded lower temperatures. Rogers Pass was named after A.B. These USGS employees contributed to reformatting and archiving these data: Viki Bankey, Carol Finn, Pat Hill, Holly Hindle, Bob Kucks, Vicki Rystrom, Sarah Shearer Cooperating contributors from the National Geophysical Data Center are: Ronald Buhmann, David Dater, Susan McLean, Stewart Racey, U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046 Mail Stop 964 Denver Federal Center, USGS:7388ee2c-bcc4-4d7a-8ee4-73fb03fc01cb. Download section 4 .gpx file. [151], 1915: The victims bowled over, a train cut off one man's legs,[152] and the leg above the ankle for a seven-year-old boy.[153]. only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Elk Park, north of Butte, recorded 50 below, Lincoln 49 below, Potomac 49 below and Polebridge 46 below. Rogers Pass is a mountain pass that rises 5,610 feet above sea level and is located on the Continental Divide in the U.S. state of Montana. The index in the official thermometer fell into the bulb and remained at the described angle at a temperature of minus-69.7 degrees and at this temperature, Kleinschmidt's personal thermometer indicated minus-68. 6759 ft) Last Update: 9:42 pm MST Feb 19, 2023. Canada geese, tundra swans, and snow geese also use the pass during migration periods. At the summit, a roundhouse[63] and rail yard existed. Part of the Loops, the wooden trestles across Loop Creek (south of today's road) were replaced. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. [122] The provincial government held an official opening ceremony in July 1962, whereas the federal one was the following September. Native Dataset Environment: These data were originally recorded on 9-track magnetic tapes and were transferred to CD-ROM. [80] Additionally, the constant steam pressure increased the tonnage capacity. Flight Path Recovery Horizontal position of the survey aircraft used to collect data were determined by reconciling down-looking photographs (recorded on continuous-strip film) with topographic maps and orthophotoquadrangle maps. While the transcontinental advanced across the prairies, the railway sought a way over the unexplored Selkirks. At MacKenzie camp, 6 miles (10km) west of the summit, a worker was buried. [109] These anomalies reflect variations in the amount and type of magnetic material and the shape and depth of the body of rock.
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